Thursday, August 11, 2011

How To PING Users On Your Symbian Phone Like blackberry

This is another nice tutorial you
will like a lot as Usual.
Yes! Some people might have
heard or know about this
Application "Whats App" which is
Used in Pinging but i will give
you a Full Review about it here
Personally, based on
examinations have conducted
on the variation between
Blackeberry & Nokia Phones, i
have come to realisation that
Nokia is 99.9% better than
Blackberry Phones, the Only
thing that Drives people koko
about BlackBerry Phones is just
the Pinging Features in it, i.e
Blackberry to Blackberry Users
can chat, Thats all.
With this Application " Whats App
" Pinging is no longer a New
thing, Because Now Nokia Users
too can Ping Each Other and can
even Ping Blackberry Users and
Other Phones Users.
Fact: Just Like Blackberry need
Internet to Ping, So do Nokia
Phones need Internet to Ping but
the Good News about the Nokia
Pinging is that you wont be
Charged for anything at all, I
have tested this App when my
Account Balance was 0.11 on my
Phone and it Works.
Somebody was trying to bring
me to some point that Blackberry
phones need your Pin to Ping
you and all that, but hey! Nokia
Phones dont need any pin to
chat, just your Phone Number is
Even if the Application is not
Open, and anyone Pings you,
You will Receive a Message, Then
Once you click on it, It will
Automatically Click on the Msg
and start Chatting with the
Person at no cost.
How To Use This Software For
- First, Download the "Whats
App." Software for your Phone
Here and Install it on your
Symbian Phone.
- After Installation, Open and
Follow the On- Screen Setup
- After Confirmation, It will also
Confirm your Phone Number,
After all that, it will Open the
Whats App Interface and you will
see all your Friends using Whats
App to Ping.
- You can now Navigate to any
of the Section you want, To Add
a New Friend to Ping, Just go to
your Phone Book in Contact and
Add a New Name, Just like you
adding a new contact to your
Phone, not using this Application,
Then Open This Application and
you will be able to Ping the
person, and wait for him/her to
Reply even if he/she is not
Online, He will be Notified
- Now you can Start Chatting
with the Person and Keep
Catching For Free of Charge
using this great Apps.. and the
Chat Interface is just like that of
Blackberry chat.

Monday, August 1, 2011

10 Ways to maximize Google Adsense earnings in 2011

10 Ways to maximize Google Adsense earnings in 2011 - Ogboskyblog

10 Ways to maximize Google Adsense eArnings in 2011
If you are a Google Adsense publisher and would like to maximize your Adsense earnings this 2011, I have 10 tips to share with you.

The tips were published by the Google Adsense team, right on their blog.

Check it out at : http://adsense.blogspot.com/2011/01/fresh-year-fresh-start.html

I  hope these tips help you start the year off with a bang.

Do not forget to join the OGBOSKY-Hackers On Planet Earth on Facebook

Within a couple of minutes, you can generate your own football jersey to show support for your favorite team in the different football leagues around the world, and even for the NBA Teams.
If you want to create a facebook jersey to show support for Arsenal FC, Chelsea Fc, Manchester United FC, Barcelona FC, Inter Milan FC, Real Madrid FC, Bayern Munich FC etc, this application is the right one for you..

To create your jersey, you will need to add this facebook application to your profile.


Below is a one I created to show support for Arsenal FC


All you will need to do is just to choose the club you want and also choose the name and number to be displayed on the jersey. Just be creative and you will be good to go.

That's All.

If you have anything to say or have a question to ask, please feel free to use the comment from below this post.

In my future articles, I will be sharing with you more tricks and tips you will find very useful.

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Once you VERIFY your email by clicking on the confirmation link in the message, YOU WILL NEVER MISS MY FUTURE ARTICLES AND FREEBIES AGAIN

Want to learn blogging, how to design websites, how to make real money online (without surveys,reading emails), feel free to contact me.

Note: This blog of mine has been making me some cool money, this is the main reason why I keep spending more time and money to update it and make it look cool. Making money from Blogging is real...IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU. Do not forget to subscribe to this blog because soonest, I will be loading it with great money making infos that REALLY WORKs.

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Cheers !!!.